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What now?

Christmas and the New Year have been and gone; summer has been and gone; and children will soon be back at school.

Suddenly reality is setting in. Life goes back to normal, and the bills are starting to bite. Maxed the credit cards? Gone into overdraft? Overdone the AfterPay?

Three ways to avoid stressing out over your financial situation:

  • Don’t panic!

  • Seek advice!

  • Plan now for the 2025 silly season!

1. Don't panic

Things may be tight for a time while you get things sorted out, but they will get sorted! You have probably been in a spot before where you saw no way out, but you did it, so why would this time be different?

2. Seek advice

Levin Budget Service is here to help you get your finances back under control. We can help you with a budget, we can talk to people you owe money to; we can even access interest-free and low-interest free loans if you have been caught out with high interest borrowing. The key thing is talk to us sooner rather than later – please! Letting us help you lower your stress levels, help you sleep better, and mean you  can hear your phone ring without dreading it.

3. Plan now for the 2025 silly season

Or even for a holiday, a birthday or just a nice night out. If you work with us, we can help you get control of your money so that you can save a little bit each week. The satisfaction you get from having a bit of money “spare” can’t be over-stated.

Charles Dickens said, in David Copperfield “… income 20 dollars, … expenditure 19 dollars 50 cents, result happiness … income 20 dollars, …expenditure 20 dollars 50 cents, result misery". (Currency conversion from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars and cents done by me.)

In conclusion

Take a deep breath, know you will survive this crisis (especially if you seek help), and resolve to not repeat the situation this year. And remember - we are here to share the journey with you.